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Connect online with a counsellor

Your exchange with us is completely confidential. Confidentiality is guaranteed unless the safety of another individual or the security of your organisation is threatened. We will always work with you to ensure that you receive the best and most appropriate support for you. No issue is too small or complex to speak to us about. If you are concerned about anything then please follow the directions provided through our online service.

The online counselling facility is available Monday - Friday 08:00 am - 10:00 pm and weekends 09:00 am - 05:00 pm.

Telephone Counselling & Information Line

Racing’s Support Line also provides counsellors who are available for a supportive chat or for an individual to have a confidential space to talk things through.  (Please note, if all counsellors are engaged on calls, you may be asked to ring back later).

When you have completed your counselling session we would appreciate any feedback you wish to give us by completing an evaluation form.

All times referenced are GMT

Call Racing’s Support Line on 0800 6300 443